Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Finished!!

Ah and here I am another school year over and only two more years left of highschool. I suppose that's an accomplishment considering that I didn't go absolutely senile and didn't drop out.
      As soon as I finished school today I came home and took a nap for an hour. As soon as I woke up from my nap my dad shows me this calender from 1998 with pictures of the family. Looking at the 4 year old me, I just thought to myself, "where has my life gone?" Ok so I know I'm still to young to be saying that but it was quite a journey taking myself to where I could barely remember. As these snapshots of my life played in my mind I couldn't help think "dadgum I haven't really done anything these whole 16 years worthy of note, no symphonies written, no multimillion dollar recording contract, no movies starred in. Shoot I don't even have anything of monetary value, I better get cookin!" All these years and what do I have to show for it? When I compare myself to child prodigies my life has been grotesquely under achieving. Thank goodness that isn't the goal in life to be rich and famous.
        You see when it all comes down to "it" (when somebody figures out what "it" really means please let me know) any accomplishment I might have pails in comparison of the ultimate accomplishment of my salvation. I mean really, yeah its amazing that Mozart wrote his first symphony at age 8 but which is more amazing all the symphonies in the world or being rescued from eternal damnation? Hmm as another child prodigy would say "It's a no brainer!"
         As I have completed my 2nd year of highschool I still haven't made my first million or wrote my first symphony but I my salvation has been accomplished for me, ok so I didn't accomplish my salvation but oh I am so glad that it is finished and that I can rest in that really if I don't do anything of earthly value or recognition I still have a huge palace in heaven. But the beauty of it all is that we can't accomplish anything on our own. Everything we do is given by God and so I will say thank God IT IS FINISHED!!!