Thursday, April 8, 2010

What the Cuss!?

 When I was little I once had to rinse my mouth out with vinegar for saying the "D-word". Needless to say that I have been very reluctant to spit out any expletives in front of people. Its almost like I can taste the vinegar in my mouth, not fun. But when people are far out of ear shot I usually feel liberated to mutter obscenities at every little difficult thing that I encounter. I DO NOT condone this!! And I do hope that someday I will not feel the need to be so angry that I want to curse, by the Grace of God only though will I ever be able to do this.
           Now that I have shown my own problem with the issue of cursing I hope that I won't sound hypocritical since I am writing this more for myself than for anybody else. You see I hate cursing and feel like as a Christian, a huge way I can separate myself from the world. After all cursing isn't really Christ-Like, would Jesus say jokingly "Damn You!", I don't think he would since he really knew how horrible Hell is. Or would he say "What the Hell?" when he could not understand something or when he was startled, I think not. Yes I realize that we are human and can't be perfect. But I do believe it should be relatively easy to exclude expletives from our vocabulary. You Feel Me?
            For most teens I'd say cursing is just to look cool and grown up but that isn't cool. I can understand cursing under certain conditions like your about to get blown up, or you were surprised attacked by terrorists and a bullet is lodged in your leg or something very traumatizing, but to curse at every little thing like the kids outside the Barnes and Noble in Biltmore Park "Man I'm so effing tired" would not just "tired" suffice? When I went to basketball camp in the 8th grade I had never heard so much cussing in one day. The dreaded F bomb was dropped mercilessly upon my ears and I was no longer a sheltered little homeschooler. But why is saying things that are offensive cool? I don't think they are but it's America right? Ugh I guess it is.
             So my challenge to myself and to you reading this is to standout in the way we talk. Conducting our selves in the paths of righteousness. Who knows people might want to what is different about you and why you don't cuss or curse or swear and thus leading into an opportunity  to share the Gospel. 


1 comment:

Elisabeth Becnel said...

"I was no longer a sheltered little homeschooler." I like this line :)